Name: Bid to Position Adwords Script Type: Regular Adwords Script (non-MCC) Description: This Simple script allows you to update (on a schedule) your keyword bid until you reach a desired keyword position average position. The position is defined inside your label bid2pos=1.5 for instance. The script will pick the keyword with this label check the current position and increase or decrease bid accordingly to get your keyword to the desired position. Scenario 1: if average position is below your desired position, the script will increase the bid everytime the script runs. Scenario 2: if average position is above your desired position, the script will decrease the bid everytime the script runs. Configuration: 1. This script will use labels to decide which keyword to process and whether to increase or decrease the bid, you need create your labels before you can utilize this script. Create a few label like this and attach it to your keyword. (a) bid2pos=1.5 - this label will tell the script that it needs to pick up this keyword and try to bid up or down to position 1.5. (b) bid2pos=2.5 - likewise, this will tell the script the desired position is 2.5. 2. Select all the keywords you want to bid to position and attach the proper label 3. Configure the Adwords script. (a) you can decide to increase or decrease bids by 5%, 10% or whatever percent you desire, we suggest start with 5% it might take sometime but the increments are smaller but it'll be more consistent if you reach the desired position. (b) you can also change your label prefix if you want to something else, right now the default is bid2pos. (c) data the script is using to decide whether to increase or decrease bid is currently set to TODAY's data, you can change that to other time period like YESTERDAY, THIS_MONTH or LAST_MONTH(if it's a monthly script). 4. Schedule (a) Schedule Hourly (b) Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 5 times a day, maybe 3 hours, you just need to copy the script into 3 time slots. (c) Schedule daily, weekly or monthly. Testing: 1. select a keyword you'd like to test. 2. configure your label ie. desired position bid2pos=2.75 or something. 3. schedule it hourly to test. 4. review the results every time the script runs, it'll show you some execution logs.