What is a good Google Adwords CTR Performance?

One question that often comes up concerning Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing is, “What is a good CTR?” This is a fair question to ask because CTR pops up so frequently in conversations when diagnosing and optimizing performance, but you should also be careful not to...

How Much Should I Pay Per Click for Google Adwords

I get this question often: How much should I pay per click for Google Adwords? Here are a few simple ideas to include to determine how much you should pay per click or how much you should bid. 1. Identify the type of clients you would like to get first – be sure...

Google Adwords: Improve Your Account Quality

Here’s a very simple way to improve your account Google Adwords Quality. But first, let’s define how google classify a quality adwords account. Many say it’s not about CTR any more. I beg to differ, for very small account it’s still all about...